Monday, September 8, 2008

ETIPs response

I enjoyed reading Dexters article of technology integration. I believe that the implementation and integration of technology in classrooms is essential. Today, our society is technologically driven therefore people should have exposure to technology at a young age. Integrating technogical knowledge into the classroom should be a requirement in all schools in all classrooms. Students not only would have a better understading in subjects areas such as science and math that are quite challenging for most students. With the use of better technology in class such as designing programs, LCD projectors and smartboards, a teacher can expose a subject to the fullest and give the student a better visual understanding. Such as a DNA string or an atom. A student could see a three-dimentional picture with movement rather than a plain picture on a book. The mind of the student would not only use the left side of the brain to comprehend but also the right side of it to analyze and use the visual effect to remember in a practical way.
Working as an intern in a middle school, I've had the opportunity to see how students react to the teaching methods of different teachers, some that use more technology than others. Others do not use it at all. I think all students should have the opportunity to get a similar and better education. The integration of technology should be first on the list to better education in many classrooms.

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