Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I think all teachers should be aware about copyright issues and laws. As an educator one should set an example to students about using or citing other's work. How can we expect students to not plagiarize or copy someone's one if a foundation is not instilled in them from their own educators. Perhaps they might not know what copyright infringement is if they have not have the chance of being taught first hand by their own Educators. Although it is hard as a educator to keep up with making up lesson plans and include someone's work without abusing the "fair use" advantage, one should know what's reasonable and what's not.
I know that students will have a better understanding about this issue if indeed they see a set example from thier educator and the use that the educator have with the material that's being distributed. It makes no sense to tell someone not to do something when that him or herself is not exercising the same objective.

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