Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Computer Delusion by Ted Oppenheimer

After reading this article, one can see the different positions in which people stand on technology.
Some agree that is the best thing that has happened to schools others think it is a waste. The truth is that too much of something is never good. I think that moderation has to play an important role. Not every child has to have a computer to learn in every class, and cutting back on artistic classes are not the asnwer either. Especially cutting back physical education. We do not want to have inactive kids that have only eyes for the computer and learning through it. We need well rounded healthy students ready to take the challenges coming to them so when real life comes around, it does not take them by suprise.
When kids are complaining about headaches and squinting and sore hands from being exposed to a computer, that's a sign that tells us that not all the teaching can be done through technology. i agree that president Clinton wanted students to be ready for the 21st century but that does not mean that we need to create technology dependant student. What would happen if one day there is a technical error and no learning can be done if the computers are down? Would a student go back to conventional learning without putting up a fight?
I know that the best way to address this technology based discussion is to show the ways technology can be used but certainly not become dependant of it. There are many things to learn other than computer based lessons. Learning through books too play an important role and should be kept that way. Everythign in moderation!

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